The Maltose Falcons have been celebrating their 50th year in fine style with many collaborative beers and now they have opened up the archives for some of those as well as many other recipes in a new book.

The book ( in Kindle or paperback) includes a whopping 129 home brew recipes that tun the gamut of their combined brewing experience, beers such as…
“Doug King’s “Dougweiser” that was George Reisch approved or the Steelhead “Bombay Bomber” that was liberated from the brewery (but the actual recipe creator – Teri Fahrendorf – says is nothing like the recipe she created). Silly things like my clam chowder saison. Strong things like the various Falconsclaws, Russian Imperial Stouts, Richard Webster’s stupendously outrageous 18+% beers.”
All proceeds for the book go directly to the Maltose Falcons so buy a copy and support America’s Oldest Homebrew Club.