The Yard has enough to blow the crankiest beer geeks mind away. Check this:
“The Yard is giving away a tasting of the Best Beer in The World.
Beer Freek is a series of rare beer tastings (see below for full schedule). We will be offering special tastings of all the beers listed for each event. Chef CJ will also be doing pairings and dishes inspired by the tastings, aka Food for the Freek. A number of the beers listed below are considered the best in the world, and many are difficult, if not impossible to get. At the final tasting, we will be giving away a number of tastings of one of the Holy Grails of the beer world – Narke’s Stormaktsporter, a rare Swedish porter. Everyone who attends a Beer Freek tasting and samples the rare brews will receive a raffle ticket for a free tasting at the Narke tasting on May 11th. Winners will be drawn on May 11th at The Yard. They’ll also get to taste some great beers along the way! Prices for the tastings will vary depending upon the beers being offered at each tasting.”
Jan 26
Goose Island Bourbon County Vanilla Stout,
Dogfish Head Chicory Stout (on draft),
Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence (on draft)
Beer float – Chicory Stout w/Redbreast Irish whiskey ice cream.
Feb 9
Stone Vanilla Porter (cask),
Stone Verical Epic (draft),
Stone Double Bastard (draft),
more Stone TBA.
Food: Goat Head’s soup. Music: Rolling Stones.
Feb 23
Bell’s Hopslam IPA mini kegs,
Three Floyd’s Dreadnaught IPA,
Alpine Expo,
Cask Ale – 24th Street Pale or their IPA.
Food: Roast Suckling Pig.
Mar 9
Hair of the Dog w/Doggie Bites.
Doggie Claws – w/ Rabbit Stew Croquette, coriander chutney;
Matt – w/grilled Pork sate, apple brandy, soy sauce;
Cherry Adam of the Woods – w/macerated berry tart.
Mar 23
Bruery Black Tuesday/Chocolate Rain.
more Bruery specialties TBA.
Food: TBA.
April 13
Sour Freek – TBA.
Will include: Cantillon,
New Glarus,
Russian River,
Lost Abbey.
Food: Duck leg confit, et al.
April 27
Belgian Freek,
Westvleteren 8,
more Belgians TBA.
Food: TBA.

May 11
Narke Stormaktsporter,
Portsmouth Brewery’s Kate the Great,
Three Floyd’s Dark Lord 09,
Olde Rabbit’s Foote.
Food: TBA