A Podcast & A Beer – Who Shat on the Floor At My Wedding

Yes, the title is long but it is apt. This is the hilarious investigation into a poo found on the floor of a wedding venue. Who Shat stars brides Karen Whitehouse and Helen McLaughlin and their ‘under-qualified ‘Detective’ Lauren Kilby as they puzzle out the mystery.

Now, I say hilarious for a few episodes before it becomes quite repetitive. And it grated upon me to the point that when I saw that the last two episodes were over an hour each, I tapped out. It seemed clear that the culprit was not going to be found or at least funnily left hanging.

But the waning interest fits in with the beer suggestion. Actually, less a suggestion and more a memory exercise. What beers have you had that started off really good but after a few sips lost that initial wow factor. I will start with an anonymous brewery where the aroma of the IPA was bright and soul stirring. A veritable melange of fruit notes, but the base of the beer was flimsy and watery and by the end was not finished to empty glass status.

FoodGPS Teaser – Hoppily Ever After

Tomorrow over on FoodGPS, we talk about making a beer for your wedding reception with Enegren Brewing and the Four Points LAX.  So I thought I would pass by some wedding themed beers for your perusal that I found on the RateBeer site….


Boring (until made royal)

Bell’s Wedding Ale

Drakes Wedding Wit

Adnams Royal Wedding

for the Bride

Moylan’s Bridal Ale from NorCal

Pelican Bridal Ale from the Oregon Coast

for the groom

Deschutes Bachelor Bitter

Societe Bachelor

for the DJ

Alameda Brickhouse Brown