Never had a figgy pudding, never even had a figgy newton for that matter. The texture of figs is a little weird to my delicate little palate but a figged up Belgian Quad, I will try what Angel City has for the holidays.

“Figgy Quadding is our take on a Belgian-style Quadrupel, or “Quad” for short, modeled after a winter holiday cake Fig Pudding. All the caramel and roasted malts along with Belgian Trappist yeast give it the raisin, plum, molasses and stone fruit flavors known in Quads which are delightfully smooth and tasty. It’s brewed with figs and holiday spices: coriander, nutmeg, tangerine peel, cinnamon and ginger. Then we barrel-age it in ex-Brandy barrels for 5 months for even more holiday warmth and flavor. Enjoy this dessert themed beer around the holidays in the company of others for a cozy, boozy experience.”