Out of the blue, I was e-mailed by Monday Night Brewing and now I have the great pleasure of sampling three of their beers. First up is a ginger spiced wit bier. (A reminder: any beer I review, no matter how much I pay for it, gets the same treatment)

Pours a dark yellow or light orange depending on the light. Loads of bubbles here. Aroma is full on ginger. The taste starts with the ginger but you also get a bit of spice, clove I think and a bit of hefe notes. Maybe not a true wit but surprisingly good.
Here is the description of Fu from the Monday Night website, “A bright, spicy Belgian-style wit. An effervescent, easy-drinking wheat beer, brewed with Belgian yeast, German hops, and a whisper of ginger from the Far East. This mustachio’d Belgian-style wit believes that good beer defies borders. The name Fu Manbrew was crowdsourced with some help from our friends at Scoutmob. They call the mustache a “Flavor Savor” for a reason.”