So the first five weeks of tracking my beer intake and spending are in the books and one immediate take-away is that is has affected my drinking a bit. I set a weekly max. In this case, 240 ounces over 5 days. Sort of like a salary cap in the NBA. I could go over it without consequence but I wanted some sort of demarcation point.
In the first two weeks, I was butting up against that max number which led me to pull back the remaining three to the point where I was trying to comfortably land below that threshold.
Here are my numbers:
The low week was 176 ounces and the high week was 236.
Averaging out to 208.6 ounces per 5 day period.
Or drilling down to 40.84 ounces per day.
The biggest day was about 60 when I visited the Azusa location for next year’s opening Lagunitas Brewery. The combination of free plus riding Metro plus a long period of time led to that total.
Saturday and Sunday (obviously) were the big drinking days accounting for 49% of what was drunk each week.
Saturday was the biggest day on average with 56.8 ounces per day.
If I needed to cut down to a lower figure, Saturday would be where I started. Losing one regular sized beer from that day would be a start but getting that average below 50 would probably be better.
After the next five weeks, I will update the averages and let you know what transpired.