I am turning away from the Amazon. I avoid buying from it and try to choose local instead. I do still shop at Whole Foods but the dollars spent is decreasing. I just don’t like some of their business practices and that is where I draw the line with beer as well. You can be a hard competitor. You can negotiate for days. You can hold secrets close to the vest. Just don’t run roughshod over your employees and customers for an extra buck.
All preamble to suggesting a listen to Prime(d) with co-hosts Carolyn Adolph and Joshua McNichols who turn a critical eye onto Amazon from Alexa to personal data. It gets a little jokey and gimmicky but it also gives the listener a firm grounding in all things Bezos.
To drink with this pod, I would look to Pike Brewing (skip Elysian unless you want to play up the sell-out angle). I would go for the Pike Pale or their XXXX Stout for old-school traditional Seattle. You could also pick up a Stone beer since that company has PR issues as well as a Virginia HQ separate from their West Coast base.