A Book & A Beer – A Children’s Bible by Lydia Millet

Well, well. This is not a book for parents who are worried about their parenting skills. Nor is it a book for anyone with a summer home. Both of those parties are grouped together as the antagonists to the heroes of Lydia Millet’s A Children’s Bible.

And that is taking into account a deadly hurricane that puts the kids in peril and firmly in charge. This book is blunt. Old people, you are fuck-ups and the kids should be holding the reins.

This is a cracking read though. Plenty of tension and whipsmart dialogue to paper over that bluntness. I do really like the narrator but more intriguing to me was the younger characters who were providing the counterpoint to the older kids. I wish there was a little more to them to sand off their stubborn streak a little.

Considering the obscene amount of drinking (and drugs) the parents do during the course of the book, best to head to the N/A choices for this one or you could find an organic beer or upcycled beer or any environmental beer to put your money to that cause.

Brewers Book Pairings

My love of reading probably stems from being brought up with Powell’s Books as an icon of Portland.

And Powell’s has now connected with local brewers to get some book and beer pairings and I found a pair of books that I think look great and would be even better with the chosen beer.

Check it out right HERE.

In the Tap Lines for October 2021

header_attractionsI am a strict seasonalist.  No PSL before October. Partially due to being in LA where fall arrives late and we only get a sprinkling of fresh hop beers.  So hold off on your Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Let’s enjoy October first,

~ e-visits to (3) breweries taken from the pages of Modern British Beer
~ special featured reviews of autumnal beers
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads The Children’s Bible by Lydia Millet
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to The Great James Bond Car Robbery
~ Great Beer names and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

A Book & A Beer – Tell the Machine Goodnight

I chose this book because NPR recommended it, read HERE. And this slightly in the future sci-fi novel from Katie Williams really works well in spots. The lead character, as it were, shifts every one or two chapters to show a broader portrait of the group of people being focused on and the happiness machine, Apricity, that brings them together.

Apricity is owned by what appears to be a better run morally tech company. You swab your cheek, place the saliva into the machine and it will spit out three suggested actions that you should do to achieve happiness. Simple as “get more sleep”, “get a dog” and others much harder and scarier.

But this book isn’t about the dark edges so much. It is more involved with Pearl, the Apricity tech, her ex, her son and a celebrity Calla Pax. Those chapters are the weakest.

There is life at stake but nothing huge like life v death. Even the corporate espionage was soft pedaled. Everyone is mostly nice if odd. The conceit and the machine are the best part of this tale.

Humans and Americans in particular tend to not do what is in their best interest. I would love to see the results of a beer Apricity on me. Would it go way off in one direction, would it tell me to drink an old favorite long forgotten or would it shield me from hops that I do not like. Interesting thought experiment for sure.

In the Tap Lines for September 2021

header_attractionsHello September.  Where the first two weeks are filled with Fest and Pumpkin beers which then disappear before tge month is over.  Why? Cause ‘Merica needs to move on to the next holiday pronto.  But let’s drink in the here and the now this month.

~ e-visits to (3) breweries in college football towns
~ special featured reviews of beers bought from City Beer Store
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads Tell the Machine Goodnight by Katie Williams
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to Gene & Roger
~ Great Beer names and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

A Book & A Beer – Rachel Cusk Triology

Rarely do I talk shit about a book. I know that, at best, I could maybe muster a passable short story so I tread lightly when it comes to my views in the monthly book post.

But despite the positive reviews from the NY Times, I am flummoxed by the praise for this trilogy by Rachel Cusk.

All three books follow our protagonist, a writer, as she travels to various points of the globe talking with, well, mostly just listening to the uninteresting stories of others. She does interviews about her books that seem fake because no real questions are asked. She talks with a contractor about a house. She chats with other writers. But it is all so passive. Nothing happens. No epiphanies small or large.

I kept reading thinking that a payoff was coming. A rant from the writer, something explosive all waiting in the third book. Alas, not to be. It just ends with a whimper.

That leads me to the beer to pair with it. Since the trilogy is missing fireworks, this is where the beer comes in. Find something with Chai or jalapenos or a bracing jolt of lemon to add anything to the experience. Or maybe grab your favorite coffee beer to keep yourself awake.

In the Tap Lines for August 2021

header_attractionsWelcome to the second half of 2021!  Sad to say that hopes that the world would be back to normal by now have yet to come true thanks to the  unvaccinated but there is plenty of good beer news to talk about, like…

~ e-visits to (3) breweries in Anaheim
~ special featured reviews of beers from breweries in the El Segundo area.
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads a Rachel Cusk trilogy
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to Dolly Parton’s America
~ Great Beer names and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

A Book & A Beer – 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

I have been on a classics kick of late. Read some Dickens, Wells and Stevenson and now onto Jules Verne and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. This is going to be a weird admission but I always thought leagues meant depth, when in fact it means length of the voyage.

This book really is light on action and character development and is pretty much just straight up geography and descriptions of underwater life. The lead character of M. Arronax is just about as milquetoast as they come and Captain Nemo just up and disappears for stretches of time. I did like how Verne described the functionality of the boat which was surprisingly close to what a submarine now does (with some exceptions of course). But overall, this screams movie adaptation where the sights could be fully displayed and actors creating more dimensional characters.

Oyster stout would be one choice or a kelp beer if you want to be truly obvious but I would suggest finding beers from around the world and matching that part of the Nautilus voyage with a beer from nearby.

In the Tap Lines for July 2021

header_attractionsHalf of the year is gone by.  Time certainly flies by as do all the new beers.  Too many to count but I will find the beer news to keep you updated for the last half of 2021.

~ e-visits to (3) breweries that do these slushie brightly hued beers
~ special featured reviews of beers from Oregon purchased via City Beer of San Francisco
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events (not as far in the future now, events)
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to Gangster Capitalism
~ Great Beer names and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

A Book & A Beer – Time Lord Victorious / All Flesh is Grass

During the downtime between Doctor Who seasons, there has been a whole Time Lord Victorious series encompassing books, audio, video games and even escape rooms. I recently read my second book from this saga, All Flesh is Grass and will try to review it as a standalone book as well as part of a larger story.

I really like the villain of the piece, the Kotturuh. Partially because they are not typical. Not to the level of, say, The Silence or The Weeping Angels but certainly more layered and actually dangerous than many one show creatures.

I did also like the interplay between Doctors 8 and 9 and I wish the book had been just them so that more depth and detail between that pair could be explored. I am a big Tennant fan but I feel his arc is a familiar one. Played out effectively already in The Waters of Mars. His function in the narrative could have been played by a sub big bad on my opinion.

I do like this story and maybe parts of it will come up with the current Doctor.

Now I could pair this with some Tardis blue slushie smoothie beer but instead I suggest getting all three colors of Chimay beer to accompany this book to match the three Doctors.