We all know that A – climate change is real and our fault and B – that not nearly enough is being done but maybe beery reminder like the one below from BrewDog will help…
“Introducing MMXXX 10 yr aged ale: designed to be opened on 1/1/2030 to either celebrate, or commiserate.
Brewed to honour those commitments needed to stop the climate crisis. What you’ll be drinking to in 2030 is down to humanity. Sounds pretty damn sci-fi, but, the next decade is crucial – we need to cut global emissions by 45% in order to save our planet.
Come New Year’s Day in 2030, this beer will either be a celebration of humanity coming together to achieve that reduction, or we’ll be drowning our sorrows faced with an impending apocalypse. Thanks for joining our environmental fight and we hope we are celebrating together.”