50 from 50 – NEW YORK

1 beer down and 49 to go! The journey is underway. I received this bottle of Local # 2 about the same time as I got my 33 Beers rating book and I decided that each time I review a beer from a new state this year I would include a pdf of the rating and my notes.

This was a really nice beer but it didn’t blow my socks off. I was hoping for more orange and spices in it and to me it was a little thin. The alcohol catches up to you and I had a nice glow by the time the Rose Bowl was into the 4th quarter but it didn’t wow me like Local # 1 did. Now that may be because I had # 1 at the brewery in Brooklyn.

33 Beers

33 Beers! Not nearly enough. All joking aside this is a great tool for the beer geek in your life. It has a flavor wheel, sections to fill out for easy remembering and
it’s made with 100% recycled papers sourced in the Pacific Northwest. Interior pages are 100% post-consumer recycled content and covers are 85% post-consumer recycled content and 15% recycled content. The booklets are printed using US-grown soy-based inks in sunny Portland, Oregon.

The Session # 35


Here is the question for Session # 35 hosted by the beer savvy Naked Pint authors, Christina Perozzi and Hallie Beaune, New Beer’s Resolutions.

“So we want to know what was your best and worst of beer for 2009? What beer mistakes did you make? What beer resolutions do you have for 2010? What are your beer regrets and embarrassing moments? What are you hoping to change about your beer experience in 2010?”

Here is my addition….
Best Beer of 2009 – Mikkeller Nelson Sauvin. It had a wonderful grape flavor that matched beautifully with the slight bitterness. Great cereal taste and all well balanced.
Worst Beer of 2009 – Budweiser American Ale. This was an amber that had been severely watered down. Almost as if they tasted it and thought it was too strong and just started dumping buckets of water into it.
2009 Beer Mistake – Tasting Utopias from Sam Adams at the Denver Rare Beer Event halfway through. Everything else that day tasted of bourbon and alcohol.
2010 Beer Resolution – To taste a beer from each and every state in the United States. I certainly hope there are beers from each 50 then I have to somehow get my hands on them.
2009 Beer Regrets – I regret each time someone offers me a taste of their beer and I said no, just because I either had a beer from that brewery that I didn’t enjoy or because it was an imperial aged monster. I need to continue to be more receptive to all kinds of beer.

2010 will be the year that I stop and enjoy each beer and give it it’s time in the sun.

50 Beers – 50 States

50 beers 50 states

This year, I will be embarking upon a typical blog conceit.

The timed challenge.

My challenge will probably not be made into a book or a movie with Meryl Streep. I will endeavor to review at least one new (to me) beer that was brewed in each of the 50 states in the union.

Just to the left, in the sidebar, will be a box score, so to speak, of how far I have traveled. I will also update which states I “got” that week. I will not be able to accomplish this on my own. Only so much beer flows into Southern California. I will need help from anyone out there in craft beer land to get me beer brewed in Wyoming or South Dakota or even Kentucky. You will get my eternal gratitude and a big thank you on one of the blog posts if you help me out.

Let’s get 2010 started!

new FoodGPS post

This is the last FoodGPS column for 2009. But don’t worry there will be more in 2010.

Click HERE to read about the Boneyard Bistro, Blue Dog Beer Tavern and a New Year’s beer from Brasserie Dupont.

Remember, you can always view my Brew and You postings by clicking on the FoodGPS logo on the left sidebar.

End of Year

Another year passed an I have yet to do this…
…or wear this…

Thanks to all who have helped me in the past year make this site for my beer musings a much better looking home.!!