Decade Defining beers

Another atypical blog is Joe Sixpack from Philadelphia, here is how he starts a recent post that caught my eye…
“THIS TIME OF the year, everybody does a Top 10 List. But I consume beer by the sixpack, so that’s what you’re getting today: The 6 Beers That Defined the Decade.
These aren’t necessarily my favorites. (Heck, I can’t even pick my favorite from last night.) But they are beers that set the pace in the American beer scene in the ’00s.”

Check out his selection HERE

Randy Clemens

The sharp eyed among you may have noticed another favorite link over their in the right sidebar.

It is for a Randy Clemens who has some great thoughts on beer and wine and food that you can read on his SITE or in various food magazines like Imbibe and Beer Advocate. I always learn something after reading one of his pieces.

Monk’s Blood

The canned beer movement is picking up more steam (probably because of my canned beer tasting event from last year) and here is another entry from 21st Amendment. Looks delicious! So much so that I added it to my Top 5 Desired beers. Where is that list, you might ask? Click on the About the Search Party tab. Then scroll past my pretty picture.

50 from 50 – Oregon

Fitting that I knocked off my adopted state of California and now my home state of Oregon. Widmer has been a major player in Oregon and for those who only think wheat beer with lemon wedges then you do not know Widmer. How about a cherry oak dopplebock? Citra hops? or their W series like this years model the Pitch Black IPA?
w10 PB IPA

Treblehook Barleywine

I haven’t had a Redhook beer in eons. Mostly because only LongHammer IPA makes it way this far south. But I will be on the look out for this seasonal offering.

Fall/Winter 2009 Limited Release: Treblehook Barley Wine
Treblehook is vigorously hopped and patiently aged with aromatic malt and spicy hop notes. Smooth and complex, this beer is carefully brewed by hand with sublte caramel, toffee and chocolate notes

Style: Barley Wine

ABV: 10.1%

Malts: Pale, Caramel, Special Aromatic, Flaked Barley, Black, Melenodin

Hops: Cascade, Palisades, Chinook, Simcoe

Bitterness Units: 52 IBU

Original Gravity: 22

Brewed Since: 2007

Shelf Life: 365 days

Awards: Gold Medal 2008 Great American Beer Festival, Silver Medal 2009 Great American Beer Festival

Cellaring: Can be cellared for up to 3 years