The Firkin for January 2010

At the end of each month, I will open up the firkin and pour out what I’m thinking about. It may be a rant, it may be a rave, it may be odds and ends. I hope you enjoy…..the First Firkin

2009 saw Alabama free the hops and raise the ABV limit on beers sold in that state. I say that is about time even more unrational beer distribution and retail laws get phased out if for no other reason than they are economically prohibitive. The City of Los Angeles has 1, that’s right, 1 brewery within city limits. It can’t be a conicidence that there are breweries ringing the outskirts of Los Angeles from El Monte to Torrance. Unfortunately, LA county is not alone in hindering craft beer. Here are some other egregious examples of laws restricting capitalism and our craft beer rights.

In Pennsylvania, no more than two packages of beer at a time may be purchased, unless you are buying from an official “beer distributor”. Great breweries abound in the Quaker state and yet they can’t truly fill a customer’s needs.

There are still some states that ban on off-premises sales of alcohol on Sundays. Tough luck if you want to tailgate and you didn’t buy your beer the day before.

In Kentucky it is illegal to send a bottle of beer, wine, or spirits as a gift to anyone in Kentucky – this can result in a 5-year term in prison. Really? Thanks for ruining Christmas Kentucky Grinch.

It is time to revisit these restrictive laws and find out the true reason they were enacted. What is to gain by restricting sales? or ABV? You are basically telling beer geeks, “nothing to see here, move along”. Is that the slogan you want on your Visit Us in ______


As you have noticed from my video reviews, I am not a big fan of the straight one shot pointing at a guy drinking beer. Hence, you can only hear me in my spontaneous reviews.

Every rule has exceptions and one I make is for HopCast. They mix it up with interviews, beers of the month and profiles of home brewers.

They have been duly added to my favored links.

Beer + Chocolate =

from Wisconsin (home of a great beer scene) comes two great tastes that taste great together…
“We’re sure you’ve heard of pairing wine and chocolate, but did you know that chocolate and beer work well together? Introducing Great Dane Beer Chocolates, handcrafted exclusively for The Great Dane Pub and Brewing Company by David Bacco Chocolats. These amazing creations are made with Great Dane brews and each chocolate complements the flavors of a distinctive Great Dane beer. Four chocolates are available including Black Earth Porter, Crop Circle Wheat, Stone of Scone Scotch Ale and Tri-Pepper Pilsner.

4-piece box (one of each flavor) $10
8-piece box (two of each flavor) $18

You can also experience these chocolates with the beers that inspired them! Great Dane Beer Chocolates are available in the bar or restaurant of the Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company’s locations in downtown Madison, Fitchburg and at the Hilldale shopping center. When you dine in, each chocolate is served with a four-ounce sample of the paired beer. Order individually – or as a delicious dessert flight of four chocolates and beers!”

Valentine’s Day is 2 weeks away. Order up!

Lost Abbey – Framboise de Amarosa

As opposed to quite a few beer geeks, I like fruit beers. When done well they are (heresy) better than high abv Stout bombs. So as I perused the Lost Abbey 2010 release schedule, this beer really stood out…
“Framboise de Amarosa. This is a barrel aged raspberry beer that has been aging in our distribution warehouse since last summer. In July, we had farm fresh raspberries delivered to our brewery and they went directly into all manners of barrels. And because it didn’t have enough Raspberry character, we added more fruit to the barrels in November.”

Minneapolis Town Hall


Craft beer in the midwest is really heating up and here is another place in Minnesota to try. The Town Hall Brewery in Minneapolis.

They have a nice Germanic take on beer styles. You can get a Dutch Enkle, a Trappist single or a Dortmunder Local. If you are feeling more exotic, try the seasonal Mango Mama which is their regular IPA with mangoes added.

50 from 50 – Texas

Texas is scratched off the list! I get the feeling from beer afficionados that Shiner and the Spoetzel Brewery is somewhat unloved. As is most Texas beer, unless you are in Austin. Same theory holds for music and culture. This black lager was not as good as Full Sail’s Session Black, I must say. It’s OK, just a little thin for my taste.

Captain Lawrence – Golden Delicious

from New York comes this new release news….

Release: January 30th, 2010
“There’s nothing quite likes Mom’s apple pie…But I am willing to bet this beer is pretty darn close. An American Tripel, dry-hoped with Amarillo hops and aged in Apple Brandy barrels from one of this country’s oldest distilleries. The tropical aroma of the hops and the delicate apple aroma from the barrels are a perfect match. Straight from the Captain’s cellar to yours, we hope you enjoy.”