Tweet that Brew

I am not a Twitter sort of guy. I am not a long winded writer to begin with so condensing further would probably not help me improve my style or grammar.

That being said, people really dig it. For every luddite there seems to be 10 Tweeters. Since, it is my self-appointed job to get everyone to drink better beer, I will not leave the tweeters out.

Go to Twit A Brew and you can instantly review (in 140 characters or less) your thoughts on the beer in front of you.

According to the creators, “My real hope for this site is to help people explore and share all the wonderful beers that are out there.”

Free State Brewing

In conjunction with my 50 Beers from 50 States challenge, I will highlight little known breweries from across the country. Here is some information from….KANSAS!
“The Free State Brewing Co. opened in 1989 as the first legal brewery in Kansas in over 100 years. Located in a renovated inter-urban trolly station in historic downtown Lawrence, the Brewery was an early participant in the rejuvenation of the north end of the downtown business district. Led by the renovation and refurbishment of neighboring Liberty Hall and the Eldridge Hotel, the result has been a rebirth of the 600 block of Massachusetts Street”
And this is the brew that most caught might eye…OLD STORMY!
“A distinctive quality of Old Ales is that they undergo an aging process (often for years) on their yeast, contributing to a rich and often sweet oxidation character. Back in August of 2009 we aged a batch of Stormwatch Ale without it’s usual dry-hop addition and without carbonation. We then transferred the beer to various oak barrels, some originally used for wine, some for bourbon. Rather than blend the barrel-aged beer back together, we’ve chosen to keep each keg of old ale separate and allow the full expression of each individual barrel to shine through. The resulting beer is unique and complex, with notes of caramel, cherries, plums, coffee, vanilla, bourbon, and wine. Medium bodied and deep mahogany in color, Old Stormy has matured into a beer that only hints at its previous incarnation, Stormwatch; with decidedly less hop character and a greater emphasis on sweet, malty flavors. Old Stormy is a great ale to weather the winter storm season. Served at cellar temperature on the back bar. Bottom Line: A slightly sweet, malty, medium bodied, deep mahogany ale aged for no less than three months on a variety of barrels.”

The Beer Wench

To get a different vantage point on the world of beer sometimes you need the opinion of a Buckeye need the opinion of The Beer Wench.

All I had to do was read her, “about” page to know that she takes this seriously but also with a grain of salt. Beer drinking should be serious fun. Not to put words in her mouth, here is what she says about her and her informative blog…
“I aspire to be the “female version” of Michael Jackson — a beer evangelist harnessing an affinity for writing to spread the good word of beer all over the world.

I have called myself many names before, such as “beer brat”, “beer geek” and “hophead,” but no title seems more appropriate than “The Beer Wench.” To me, “The Beer Wench” is unpretentious and playful, which is exactly the main mantra of this blog.”

(Plus she does a great job of profiling other beer bloggers.)

So get reading already.

Beer Books

A little website housekeeping here. I have made a literary addition to the Search Party Favorites tab.

Instead of trying to link up each separate beer book, I piggybacked on Amazon’s program. So you can see my what beer books are on my shelf.

Today is beer on the interwebs day. Because you shouldn’t just take my word for it. There are plenty of web voices about beer that we all should listen to. So here is the first site you should bookmark…
…. You can visit this Brewers Association created site at

There are featured breweries, beer and food pairing suggestions and a boatload of information and it is presented in a very classy way with a soothing color palate and layout.