Craft Beers of the Pacific NW

More great beer books! You should really pick this one up if you are in the great Northwest or if you are planning on going there.

Lisa Morrison knows the good stuff. That’s why she has a radio show about beer, she writes for Beer Advocate and All About Beer and she is a member of the new Barley’s Angels as well!

So go HERE and grab a copy!

O’ Canada – Dieu Du Ciel

Don’t be scared off by the labels on the Dieu Du Ciel beers. Yes, they are a little freaky but they match the beers quite well.

Here a couple to whet your appetite…

“Corne du diable aka Horn of the Devil IPA is a contemporary interpretation of the classic English India Pale Ale. This new style, born on the west coast of North America, is characterized by stronger and hoppier beers. The result is a red ale expressing caramel flavours coming from the malt, sharp bitterness and powerful hop aromas, thanks to dry hopping”

“La Rescousse (To The Rescue) is a noble Altbier that celebrates life in all its diversity. Malty up front with accents of toasted bread, the well-balanced hops provide a tongue-tingling finish and give this copper ale with mahogany highlights its freshness, complexity and unique character. Dieu du Ciel! Brewers will donate 11 cents for every bottle sold to Fondation de la faune du Québec, in support of efforts to save endangered species such as the wolverine, the copper redhorse, and the western chorus frog. “Liberté, égalité, biodiversité !”

The Werewolf (the beer)

You may have noticed last year that there was something other than Newcastle Brown on the market. A summer Newcastle. Well it was only the start.

Coming this fall (maybe in time for Halloween) will be Newcastle Werewolf…..
“What better way to toast the fall than to have a bottle of this formidable, dual character brew. At first, smooth with mellow overtones of sweet berry fruit, a bite of bitterness suddenly cuts through, long, deep and lingering. Brewed with rye malt, it is naturally ‘blood red’ in colour. Unlike te mythical wolf-like creature said to roam the bleak moorland surrounding Newcastle, this is real, so consider yourself warned!”


The beastly beers reign supreme today!

Here is the latest on the Dogfish Head beer….
“Hellhound is a super-hoppy ale that hits 100 IBUs in the brewhouse, Alc. 10% by vol., 10 SRM in color, and dry-hopped with 100% centennial hops at a rate of 100 kilos per 100 barrel brew-length. To accentuate and magnify the citrusy notes of the centennial hops (and as a shout out to Robert Johnson’s mentor Blind Lemon Jefferson) we add dried lemon peel and flesh to the whirlpool.”

It is the second music related beer from the Dogfish Head brewers. The first being Bitches Brew.

Kernel Brewery of London

I saw this brewery mentioned on the Pencil and Spoon blog. Glad to see smaller craft breweries popping up in London. It reminds me of Los Angeles.

The Kernel Brewery is located in London and has a great mission statement, “The brewery springs from the need to have more good beer. Beer deserving of a certain attention. Beer that forces you to confront and consider what you are drinking. Upfront hops, lingering bitternesses, warming alcohols, bodies of malt. Lengths and depths of flavour. We make Pale Ales, India Pale Ales and old school London Porters towards these ends. Bottled alive, to give them time to grow.”

And in a recent beer list check, I saw a decidedly American bent. Black IPA. Citra IPA and a Pale Ale with Columbus hops.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

I saw this The Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem in the Beer Tickers movie that I watched earlier this month and this place need a wider audience. Great beer and a great amount of history carved into a part of Britian.

This Nottingham attraction is the oldest inn in Britain and looks like a must visit despite the touristy bits that accumulate with these types of spots. It has a couple great looking beer lists that I would love to work my way through.