News and Brews blog

New angles onto the craft beer world are hard to come by in this blogging world but this is a novel twist. Matching the news of the world with the great beer of the world.

News and Brews is a nice site that you can learn about something in addition to beer!

So check it out and let me know what you think!

Ultimate Brown Bag

The awesome L.A. Beer destination, Blue Palms is holding it’s 2nd annual Ultimate Brown Bag party on June 11th. 24 beers with actual bags over them. Each hour a new set of 4-5 small pours arrives and YOU try to figure out what it is.

I spoke with Matt Olesh from Blue Palms about the event….

1) How do you go about selecting the beers? Do you avoid certain styles or brewers that have really defining characteristics?
The list of breweries that we chose was a result of looking at the breweries whom we support year-round that make consistent & quality beer. We then fine tuned that list with specific beers in mind that would fit into our ideas for hourly themes. There is also a natural proximity pattern, simply because there are so many fantastic California Breweries (which makes it easier to make pick-ups directly form the brewery if need be) but we did include a few out-of-state breweries as well. We did put some effort into avoiding requesting beers that would be over-the-top obvious, but that wasn’t a huge priority.

2) How many beers do you think people will be able to guess out of 24? Do you expect people to reconsider what beers they buy after this?
We’re thinking that it would be reasonable to guess about 4-6 beers, especially considering the speculative conversation that typically goes on in groups for these type of blind tastings. Any more than that, and I’d personally be pretty impressed.

Personally, I have had experiences in the brown bag nights that made me say, “Why the hell am I not picking up this beer more often?!”, and also, “Wow, that really was as good as people say it is!”. We are expecting a spread that will leave room for ‘hyped-up’ and ‘stand-by’ beers, to let people taste and decide for themselves what they like. I wouldn’t say we are aiming to change people’s buying patterns… but we may open some minds to unexpected beers, and to the fun experience of blind tasting.

3) What are some of the hourly themes?
Without giving away too much information too soon, or naming a theme that we may end up modifying, I’ll say that the “Got Wood?” hour is one that I am looking forward to a lot. This hour will introduce 5-6 beers that all have some wood-aged/fermented component to it.

Dupont expansion

One of my favorite beers is Saison Dupont. A classic saison that never disappoints. I am also a fan of the their holiday interpretation as well. Avec Les Bons Vieux. Now news is that more Dupont beers will be coming to America.

These include a stout, a pils and a blanche. The latter under the organic Foret brand. Should be interesting to hold a Dupont night now.

Belgo Anise RIS

The oddness continues in 2011 with the latest Stone release. You are reading the headline correctly. A Russian Imperial Stout (Stone style) with Belgian influence and then to really just add another massive layer of flavor, some anise. And knowing Stone, it won’t be a teaspoon. It will be a heaping helping of the anise.

Sip cautiously!

Home brew – Brooklyn style

While gaping slack-jawed at the beer choices at my Whole Foods in Glendale, I noticed to the side this….

Home brew kits, straight out of Brooklyn. So I investigated the boxes. Cool label. Ingredients can be bought in stores and online. Just need a kettle to cook the wort, everything else seemed to be in the box. I figured it would $60. Lo and behold it is $41. Great price for a gift or to try if I hadn’t spent my money on BrewDog beer.

Indiana Brewery # 1- Bee Creek

Our tour of selected Indiana breweries begins at Bee Creek. And their 3 signature brews…..

Hoosier Honey Wheat
“Our signature brew. This beer is brewed with the addition of Clover Honey from Hunter’s Honey Farm located in Martinsville, Indiana.

The use of Weihenstephan Weizen yeast gives this wheat beer a hint of clover, orange, and banana flavors that blends well with the added wheat malt to produce a crisp, refreshing ale perfect for any time of year.”

Clay County Coffee Stout
“A dark, rich beer brewed with roasted malts and combined with Brazil Santos Coffee (from Jameson in Greencastle). Expect a full-bodied beer with a sumptuous coffee aroma topped only by it’s opulent flavor.

Blond Ale
“A clear, crisp, cold filtered Blond Ale carefully hopped to reveal a mild flavor and aroma. The lightness of the hops makes this Blonde Ale perfect for those familiar with mass-marketed beer; but with a major exception, this one is made right here… Indiana.”

Beer, book and God

If someone works at UC Davis and writes about beer. You might want to pay attention. I am certainly going to order this one to read with my next beer.

“Legendary beer expert Charlie Bamforth presents the most compelling social history of beer ever written: where it’s come from, and where it’s headed. From centuries-old cultural values to radical new approaches, craft brewing to globalization, it’s an amazing story. Bamforth tells it all–with humor, behind-the-scenes insight, and sheer joy!”