a smaller Chocolate Bock


Sounds good. Maybe not in the teeth of the summer, but I should let you decide from this description from the Sam Adams website: “Smooth, rich, and dark, with the robust flavor and creamy texture of chocolate.

To create Samuel Adams® Chocolate Bock, we wanted to take the flavor beyond the taste of dark roasted malt. We started with a complex selection of carefully roasted malts combined with hand selected Noble hops from Bavaria. After using a centuries old brewing process, we slowly aged the beer on a bed of rare dark cocoa nibs from Felchlin®*. Known for their quality these wild cocoa nibs, harvested from the rainforest of Northern Bolivia, impart complex aromas and flavors of chocolate, honey, and vanilla in the beer.”

Cismontane Brewery

I was perusing the IPA list at the wonderful Tony’s Darts Away (which you should go to, RIGHT NOW!) and one of beers was the Coulter IPA from a brewery that I had never heard of before in Orange County.
Cismontane brews the El Modena Brown, Peninsular Pale, two versions of a coffee stout along with the aforementioned IPA.

They have been open since April of this year and deserve a look see from all of you OC and South Bay beer geeks as well as us Los Angeles folk.

29851 Aventura Suite D.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

(949) 888-BREW [2739]

Thurday 2-8
Friday 2-8
Saturday 12-7
Sunday 12-5

European Beer Guide

Some websites are decidedly old school. The European Beer guide is one of those.

And that is not a bad thing. As long as you have a wealth of information then you can overcome some interesting color choices.

And this guide/website has loads of information. Check it out before your next trip abroad. You might find a great place to visit.

New from Ommegang

That Belgian outpost in New York has a new Scottish inspired beer coming our way…

Pretty cool label outside. What’s inside, you ask? “This fine Ommegang ale uses heather tips and a wee bit of smoked malt to bring the taste and aroma of Scotland to the forefront.”

The name comes from a Scottish poem by Robert Burns, “An wil tak a cup o kyndnes yet, fir ald land syn.”