
One of my favorite magazines is Imbibe. They cover all the beverages worth drinking. For their Holiday issue they talk about witbiers and barleywines. Both of which are great for the season.

Get some satsuma tangerines and a St. Bernardus wit and you will be happy or if it is late and you just finished off leftover turkey, grab a Sierra Nevada Bigfoot.

I'm dreaming of a beer Christmas

by Don Russell
by Don Russell

I hope everyone is having a lovely turkey day feast with their favorite brew.

Remember that starting tomorrow. Nothing but Christmas / Holiday beers. There will be suggestions, reviews and food pairings plus other seasonal beer information to help you find a better beer for this festive time of the year.

To start check out this book: HERE

Beer Search Party – Christmas Beer Tasting


If you are a faithful reader of this beer blog, then you will have noticed the photo of me and Santa and the beer casks. That photo was chosen to draw your eye to my Holiday Beer Tasting that will be held this December the 5th at 3pm at my humble apartment that may or may not be decorated at that point.

I will be pouring seasonal beers that you may have never seen before such as Bells, Breckenridge, 3 Floyds, Southern Tier and also the grandpappy that started this all. Anchor Steam’s Our Special Ale. Feel free to bring your favorite Christmas beer to share as well!

And since charities are hurting along with the rest of us there will be beer swag for everyone who brings a check or cash for Food on Foot, a local program dedicated to helping people who need a hand up.