Holiday Ale # 1 – Jubelale from Deschutes


Deschutes Brewery has been adorning their Jubeale labels with new artwork each year.  They also seem to be releasing it sooner and sooner.  Hence it is first in line because it might be off shelves for a January seasonal soon.  I’m kidding, I think.

Here is the brewery description, “Warm spiciness and tradition grace this bold winter ale. Intriguing, layered flavors unfold to reveal chicory, dried fruit and toffee notes with a hoppy kick to finish. The deep garnet color pairs perfectly with holiday celebrations.

Holiday Ale # 25 – Winter Warmer from No-Li Brewhouse

Winter Warmer Bottle

No-Li Brewhouse Winter Warmer / Washington

“Coming in at 35 IBUs, and 7.5% ABV, Winter Warmer is a deep ruby-red beer with a thick creamy-white head. The aroma is sweet and malty with contrasting citrus hop profiles from Columbus, Cascade and Chinook hops. The Munich and Crystal malts impart a sweet candy-like flavor, with fruity esters and a spicy hop contrast. The flavors run deep and long, showing distinctive nutty-malt flavors at the end. The beer is very smooth and soft on the pallet.”

Holiday Beer Review – Sleigh’r from Ninkasi


Ninkasi was kind enough to make my holiday a little more joyous by sending me their holiday seasonal, Sleigh’r.  Very true to their rock n roll roots.  Hence another seasonal Maiden the Shade.  This dark brown Alt, a style you don’t normally get is very smooth.  The 7.2 is well hidden.  I catch a little bit of weisse action plus some mild chocolate notes.  A slight hop note gives this a more American tinge than German in a good way.  Great name and a great label and a holiday beer that I look forward to trying every year.

Holiday Beer # 21 – Big Country from Breakside

Breakside Big-Country

Breakside Brewery Big Country / Oregon

“Our take on a winter ale is something uncommon in the Northwest: a rich and balanced strong ale inspired by the starkbiers and weinnachtsbiers sold in winter in the open air markets of Germany. Malt driven notes of orange, cocoa, candied fruit, and toast dominate the aroma and flavor of this beer. the body is luscious and full and gives way to a refreshing, spicy finish.”

with thanks to Samurai Artist!