It is true that I watched a lot of Siskel & Ebert growing up and that the famous duo and their thumbs are now the subjects of a “look back” at podcast, which is another stark reminder of my age and how things have changed in the movies and in movie reviewing.
Gene and Roger the podcast is bundled inside The Ringer’s The Big Picture overall podcast and it is a fascinating eight part journey from the origins of the show to the deaths of the main pair and to the death of TV criticism with it. The host, Brian Raftery, keeps it moving along while adding in asides and personal connections and each thirty minute plus episode just whizzes by which is a strong plus in my book.
Now if there was a brewery in Hollywood, I would say that would be the perfect choice, or if there was a readily available, not owned by a huge conglomerate brewery from Chicago, that would be good too.
Instead, let’s take a different direction. See how hard it would be to sum up your next beer in under two minutes and then, give that beer a thumbs up or down, even if that beer is in the middle.