Too Early to Put Coal in the Stocking?

Who in the actual f..k would seriously use this…

… I nearly did a spit take with this PR copy, “To bring real beer taste to the grill, actual Miller Lite is reduced down into a concentrated form which then coats Miller Lite Beercoal with the iconic taste of the original light beer. When burned, this special charcoal releases the taste of Miller Lite wrapping whatever you’re grilling in a smokey beer blanket suitable for summer.”

So, the taste of water? Why not douse your pit BBQ with a pitcher of H2O then.

I wish there was video of the pitch meeting for this.

Maiden the Shade

If you haven’t tried Ninkasi, then you are missing out. You could start with their July release….

Maiden hits 72 on the IBU scale with the help of seven hops: Summit, Centennial, Simcoe, Columbus, Crystal, Palisade and Amarillo. So expect some bitterness. The ABV is 7.8%.
According to the brewery it should be available in early July and will probably be gone before August finishes up. It will be the brewery’s entry at Portland’s upcoming Oregon Brewer’s Festival.