
Exciting beer book news as Em Sauter’s newest Pints & Panels book arrives next year in March. Entitled “Pairing Beer with Everything” it is a collection of classic Sauter infographics: “covering food, pop culture, sports, holidays, etc.”

I obviously enjoy pairing books and podcasts with beer so I think this new book will be a fun read that will wonder how you would have paired beers with basketball teams.

Forbes Beer Art

If you are not acquainted yet with the art and beer education of Em Sauter well there is another outlet where you can see her beer work,  You can check it out HERE.

Hip, Hip Hooray!

You know me and books have a thing but I have been really looking forward to the new book from Em Sauter. You may recognize her work from her website AND store Pints & Panels.

She has a great artistic look. I especially like her renditions of hops. But she sneaks in fun stuff with her recommended pairings that I think are a tad out there, which I jive with.

Her book comes out next year and please do buy it.