I have read the first two “Everyone” meta murder mysteries and was excited to see a third book pop-up. And it is Christmas themed, Everyone This Christmas has a Secret is the latest from Benjamin Stevenson.

Ernest Cunningham is back to solve a third mysterious case involving a philanthropist and a magician. And yes, the case is laid out with no fake-outs or last chapter new information like the past two books.
I will keep the rest of the plot for you to discover but I will say that the end reveal of the how done it is quite ingenious. Which makes it worse that the rest of the quite slim book seems, well, slim. The author doesn’t bring back characters from the first two books except for Ern and Juliette (briefly and at a distance) when he probably could have to add some extra twist of interpersonal drama. Also, even though it is set in Australia and the weather is not the chill type, the lack of seasonal festivity is pretty glaring. It is barely mentioned sans a Secret Santa and a Rudolph costume. The book could well be called, Everyone at the Magic Show has a Secret. There is also an arch enemy brought up early in the book that doesn’t pay off at the end for me at least.
It is a fun and super quick read though and the winks and nods and breaks in the fourth wall are good fun but seems a skosh underbaked overall.
For a beer pairing, I want to suggest Australian Summer beers but SoCal does not get much in the way of Aussie craft. I would also like to suggest just Summer beers but that doesn’t fit the current season since we are in holiday mode in 70 degree weather. So the best recommendation would be to stock up on dark lagers since they are en vogue. Urban Roots has some good ones as do many breweries.