I have seen posts about the Bottle Shoppe for a few weeks now and when I found myself with some free time on a recent Saturday, I decided to run up the 5 to Sylmar to check this beer retailer out. First off, yeah for parking! Even if the small lot had been full, there was plenty of street parking around. Secondly, it is a “not easy to miss” piece of architecture with a ski lodge look to it leads to well-appointed little “shoppe”.

The Bottle Shoppe leads with 4-packs. Bottles play a small role here. There is one cooler with singles with impressive amounts of Alvarado Street, Moonraker and others. You won’t have a hard time finding a hazy or a Bruery pastry canned pastry stout. You can find San Fernando and 8One8 as well but other local L.A. beers are absent for the most part. My gold standard is Sunset Beer and while they may not have some of the Central Coast hazies, their bench is deeper. But if you are heading north and need to bring stellar beer to the party, The Bottle Shoppe will make you look good.