Winter makes you want to go tropical. So off to Waimea Brewing we go. The “westernmost brewery in the world” makes small batches on Kaui.
Review – 3 Floyds Moloko Milk Stout
Fire Mountain Brewing
In little Carlton, Oregon a new brewery has started bottling it’s beers!
They have two beers currently, Oregon Pale Ale and Steam Fired Stout. They are now on my list of beers to sample. (The list is way too long)
Kris Kringle – Final Installment
This is the last Holiday Beer. The season went by fast didn’t it? I hope these posts gave you some ideas and I hope that you tried some of them. If you did, email me and let me know what you think. Cheers and have a great 2010!
ABV 4.9%
Tasting Notes
A dark complex and rich tasting beer with plenty
of roast malt character and generous hop flavour.
Kris Kringle – Day 29
Merry Christmas to all!! and more importantly journey’s end for the three wise men…
Review – Ridgeway Bad Elf
Kris Kringle – Day 28
The Holiday Ale category is the all encompassing category. Porter? Sure. Dubbel? Why not. Imperial ESB? Ya’ Sure, ya betcha’
Winter Storm “Category 5” Ale
“Our ‘winter warmer’ ale, brewed with copious helpings of English malts plus US and English hops making it a ruddy hued “Imperial ESB” in style. Full malty flavors dancing with powerful hop aromas and a lingering, firm hop bitterness. Seasonally available from mid October to February.”
Hops: Magnum, Fuggles, Cascade, Centennial and Chinook Hops
Malts: Pale, Crystal, Carapils and Munich malts
ABV: approx. 7.5%
Kris Kringle – Day 27
If someone asks, “So, what does a Belgian Christmas ale taste like?” Hand them this…
“St. Bernardus Christmas Ale is the youngest descendant in the illustrious family of delicious Abbey Ales by Brewery St. Bernardus. This specialty beer of 10% alc. vol. is characterized by its deep dark colour, with a creamy, thick head and a full, almost velvety taste with a fruity nose. It’s a seasonal ale, brewed annually for the holiday season. The long winter nights are perfect moments to savour this ale with or without friends and to enjoy its unique, complex taste and after-taste.”