Featured Review – Ultra Gnar Gnar from Base Camp

We turn to Base Camp for beer # 2 in the featured reviews for May. As opposed to many recent hop beers from Session IPA to Imperial have been a lighter shade but Ultra Gnar Gnar pours a near red color with tints of orange to it.  Plus for a beer of only 6.7% abv, it has some nice Rorschach lacing on the glass.


The smell is close to apple tree.  There is a cider-y undercurrent to this IPA along with a perceptible orange spice tea note.  Getting some tannin notes in the flavor along with dried orange peel as well.  The bitterness is fairly strong without being oppressive.  As it warms up, I get more iced tea on the tongue as well as some grain to toast malt.

It certainly has multiple flavors going on but I wish it had a bit more orange juice to it to balance out the bitterness.