Drink Deck

I heard about this beer-y product on the fabulous Beer O’Clock radio show and am now finally getting around to sharing it with you. Drink Deck are a combination of playing card and bar coupon. It started with a Chicago deck then to Portland and later this year San Francisco and New Orleans among others.

These are bar-centric as opposed to all beer but here is what you get…
“featuring 52 – $10 gift certificates (no expiration) rolled into a deck of poker sized playing cards that celebrates the best bar scenes in PDX!”

3 Replies to “Drink Deck”

  1. totally awesome idea – now if we could play cribbage with the coupons it would be perfect.

  2. Thanks for the post! If you are looking to play card games, Drink Deck’s physical playing cards are perfect. Each card’s gift card component is redeemed when the bar tears off the bottom corner tear tab and gives you your card back, so you have a complete deck of cards (albeit marked cards). Check out our bar list line up for Chicago and Portland here http://thedrinkdeck.com/the-bars/.

    We also released an iphone app for Chicago and Portland. Check out Portland here. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drink-deck-portland/id417734433?mt=8

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