Cleveland Brewery Tour – Buckeye Brewing


Our final stop in the land of Cavaliers and Browns is Buckeye Brewing.  They started back in 1997 and work on a 15 barrel system.

For my taster tray, I will start with their flagship….

Hippie IPA – “It is hopped five times with a combination of Northern Brewer and Cascade.”

Hipster Cream Ale – Just an obvious name pairing plus cream ales are quite tasty.

Sasquatch Pale Ale – “The Columbus variety is used to balance the brew, and later Sasquatch and I personally dry-hop it with Cascade. ”

Yuppie ESB – Yes, I am a sucker for names that aren’t hop puns.  And again, I love seeing the ESB style.

Good Luck to both Manziel and Wiggins (except when he plays Portland)